Thursday, 29 March 2012

riverside walk

down by the river in Putney in unseasonably warm sunshine saw this riverboat with its own easter table - watched by puss in the window..

Easter Shop Windows

........easter window displays spotted in Lyon, France

Monday, 26 March 2012


celebration daffodils brightening up our kitchen table

...and great motif for our easter cards

Tuesday, 6 March 2012

Mother's Day on its way!

There are some great cards out there. 
Here's some of ours to make Mothering Sunday a special treat!

If you are wondering what to give your mum for Mother's day, why not follow Stephen Fry's idea!

Here's a small article on how to put the earth into Mother's Day, courtesy of green living blog

What green gift did Stephen Fry buy his mother for Mother's Day?

1) Flowers
2) Chocolates
3) A plot of conservation land in Cambridgeshire

Any guesses?